
This is the website for the price prediction game among the participants of the FantasyFootballScout community.

They are simple: predict the prices that will be given to the selected players in the new FPL season.  I’ve selected 100 players (5 players from each club). Go to the post with the list and leave there a comment with your predictions. For every £0.5m deviation from the correct price you’ll receive £0.5m. Your final score will be the sum of the errors of your estimations. The less the score, the better. When the FPL prices are released, I’ll calculate the scores and post the table with the results.

You can log in and post a comment here using your gravatar/wordpress account with the same picture as on the FFS website; change your name before posting if necessary.

Hint #1: the prices as of the end of last season are available here: http://fantasy.premierleague.com/player-list/

Hint #2: since the list is rather long, it’s convenient to copy it first somewhere else, e.g. to Wordpad, rather than assign prices directly in the comments section

Take your time and good luck!

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